Lietuvos akademinių bibliotekų tinklas

2010 m. gruodžio 3 d.


Naudodamiesi Gento universitete (Belgija) pradedančia veikti Europos Ko­mi­si­jos sukurta Europos mokslinių tyrimų atvirosios prieigos infrastruktūra OpenAIRE, Europos mokslininkai, verslo įmonės ir piliečiai gali nevaržomai susipažinti su dokumentais, kuriuose pristatomi ES finansuojamų mokslinių tyrimų rezultatai. Plačiau...

Komentarai (17)

What I would welcome is some obiectjve feedback regarding Intelligent Design as an alternate hypothesis, IF you can accept my assertion that ID is on a new track, and will embrace no pre assumptions based on religious dogma or beliefs. Of course I cannot accept your assertion. Lee Bowman is a paid employee of the Discovery Institute a deliberately biased (and profitable) propaganda machine. If you really want to provethat show me a monkey in the stage of evolvinginto a man or at least show me the missinglink between monkey and man then i will believeyou. Of course the evidence is overwhelming. Just recently there is evidence of an ancestor of 1.5 million years ago walking upright and leaving proper footprints in the mud. So if you have been ignoring the dozens of missing links, that's your problem. [url=]ierognobamq[/url] [link=]tazcsimvo[/link]
Ethan, thank you for the link to your blog, the second chart looks very <a href="">siilamr</a> to the micro histogram I have in mind. I would just get rid of the axis labels, and would add the other PLoS sources. as separate histograms below.If we assume that the HTML/PDF ratio is fairly constant (which I have to test with the whole set of 50,000 PLoS papers, but it has held up well for the datasets I have looked at so far), then we should take a closer look at the papers that fall outside that pattern. In a simple world this would be a) high HTML views, popular on Facebook and b) high PDF downloads, highly cited. And I'm pretty sure this is also subject area specific. All 384 PLoS papers in the subject category cancer genetics are , and it there is no difference between PLoS ONE and PLoS Genetics.
I was really confused, and this answered all my <a href="">quisoetns.</a>
Why do I bother caillng up people when I can just read this!
Gerbiami portalo vaadvoi, arba jums reikia gerų žurnalistų arba normalaus redaktoriaus. Kliento negalima valdyti valdyti galima tik ryšius su klientais, bet ne pačius klientus. Smulkmena, bet svarbi (klaida padaryta vien pavadinime).. Sėkmės! ;)
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